
Hi! I’m Jenn

From Reluctant Barista Maker to Devout Coffee Lover

They say everything skips a generation. My grandparents were avid coffee drinkers. My parents on the other had a fridge stocked with Soda. There was a can of instant coffee hidden away in the cupboard so when they came to stay, it was on hand for them.

I dabbled in coffee in my teens. I could never get the taste for it. Mostly I’d carry around a cup of hot chocolate just to make myself feel cool.

In College, I even worked as a barista. I learned everything there was to do with coffee. The smell of freshly roasted coffee haunted me. Seriously the nightmares about filling crafts of coffee pots and spilling it all over myself. Or standing in a pile of dropped drinks but unable to move because a bus full of teenage soccer players are in line all waiting for their drink.

I was so happy to leave the job and never see the blasted drink again!

That was until I became pregnant. It was at that point something clicked. The intoxicating smell of fresh ground beans was all I wanted. Once the baby came, having a fresh brew was just what I needed to make it through the workday, even if it was only a decaf.

Today, Coffee is something my husband and I both enjoy even though we no longer are dealing with midnight feedings.

Opening a bag of freshly brewed coffee takes me back instantly to that college Job. If only I’d truly appreciated what I had then.

Now I spend my weekends experimenting with new drinks combinations of coffee and tea. I love finding new blends to fill up my cups with.

If everything skips a generation, it’s got me thinking, what will be my kid’s drink of choice?

Hi! I’m Jim

The Second Half of Brewed Blends and FOffical Taste Tester

While my wife may have had a love for the first taste of coffee, I have been a drinker since the beginning.

It seems most of the first in my life have been around Coffee. From our first date, making a coffee run to the local Caribue after my wife had our first kid.

Like most newbies, I had no idea what good coffee is supposed to taste like, that was until I met Jenn. She introduced me to a world of brewing methods, beans and flavor combinations. She’s been making up all kinds of fun things, and I am the official taste tester!